Thursday, April 03, 2014

It Takes Courage

It takes courage to live life!

It takes lot’s of courage to live a good life!

So many distractions.  So many temptations.

God calls us to live a life after Himself.  The example shown to us is found in Jesus Christ.  His life was all about fulfilling the Fathers’ will.

 “Enter through the narrow gate because the gate and road that lead to destruction are wide. Many enter through the wide gate. But the narrow gate and the road that lead to life are full of trouble. Only a few people find the narrow gate. Matthew 7:13-14 (GW)
It takes courage to take the narrow road when most of the others are going by way of the wide.

It takes courage to follow Jesus!

My prayer: Lord Jesus give us the courage in this age and in this day to follow after you.  To live a good life that is honest, pure, holy and pleasing to you….to do your will.  Amen.