Many of us are tired and exhausted from the hectic pace of life. With instant communications, vast internet data and our consumer appetite; we find our lives often running on empty. Physical exhaustion is the obvious sign; but there is also a more sinister symptom; exhaustion of the soul.
There can come upon us an inward exhaustion towards life itself. The struggle to be and become a person of worth, success and contribution. This is the battleground of the spirit world. Cosmic forces of good and bad battling over the soul. Most are not even aware of this battleground. Within our personhood we strive and seek often for that which is unknown. But God knows and he is calling to us to come unto Him. Jesus calls “Come to me….. and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV) To find rest is also to be at peace. In coming to Him, following His ways and learning from Him we will find a rest for the soul that brings peace within.
We labour in our own strength; in our own wisdom only to find ourselves burnt out at the end of the day. Jesus says … “come to me…take my yoke” - that is my ways and connect yourself to me. Here is rest for the soul. Being in a relationship to the Saviour we can be free of our own striving as we learn from Him….to trust Him and follow Him.
This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. Isaiah 30:15 (NIV)
Sadly the last line of this Old Testament text says it for many of us….we would have none of it!