It’s becoming obvious that the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the worst ecological disaster in U.S. history! Even the current containment cap is a “temporary fix” that is “not going to solve the problem.” A permanent solution will not come until a relief well can intercept the damaged well and plug it. BP is drilling two such wells, and has said they are expected to complete their work by August.
The broken oil well has been gushing it is estimated up to 25 thousand barrels a day unhindered at full force into the Gulf now for 7 weeks! 1/3 of the Gulf fishing has been shut down. The impact on marine life from this spill will take decades to sort out. (1)
BP’s chief executive officer Tony Hayward says that BP takes full responsibility. Experts in issues management - formerly known as crisis management- point out that BP has failed to manage what they could from a public relations point of view. For instance they have not yet admitted that they’re stumped. Having failed to do this early in the process created the expectation that they knew how to fix it. With their many failed attempts, no one is even listening to what they have to say anymore.
One expert in issues management stated that “this will become a case study for years to come”! (2)
As I personally have reflected on this scenario, it has become obvious to me that not only is BP frustrated; we’re all frustrated. People just cannot believe that they cannot stop the leak or that it’s taking so long! This has become a humbling experience for the petroleum industry and for all of humanity as well. We have made one big mess that will affect generations to come!
Here is the crux of the issue that not only industry, business, corporations or governments but especially each one of us face. It’s called “Self dependence”. I am the keeper of my own destiny. See if this next sentence doesn’t ring true in the heart and mind of many of you…”If it’s going to be; it’s up to me!”
With this kind of a mind set we’re headed for a lot of trouble. It puts us against the wall; we can find ourselves in a hole, or we’re just plain lost in the middle of nowhere! And very lonely.
Listen to the writer of Proverbs 1:24-33 (CEV) You completely ignored me and refused to listen; you rejected my advice and paid no attention when I warned you. "So when you are struck by some terrible disaster, or when trouble and distress surround you like a whirlwind, I will laugh and make fun. You will ask for my help, but I won't listen; you will search, but you won't find me. No, you would not learn, and you refused to respect the Lord. You rejected my advice and paid no attention when I warned you. "Now you will eat the fruit of what you have done, until you are stuffed full with your own schemes. Sin and self-satisfaction bring destruction and death to stupid fools. But if you listen to me, you will be safe and secure without fear of disaster."
I know that for my self with a “it’s up to me” attitude made it hard to turn to God. But thankfully when I bottomed out on my own headiness I wasn’t stubborn enough or should I say dumb enough to ignore God! I turned to him for help; and I’ve never looked back!
God is calling us unto Himself. He calls each of us. He made us and knows us. And He’s calling us into a relationship in which we lean on Him instead of ourselves. But He doesn’t force us. He’s given us a free will which means you can reject Him or accept Him. But mark the words of scripture…..God’s no fool and a day of reckoning comes…..and I’m not just talking about death. It comes in many forms before that time. . "Now you will eat the fruit of what you have done, until you are stuffed full with your own schemes. The whole petroleum industry is having a wake up call right now….and it’s only beginning….the back lash from this spill is only beginning!
But we have the same thing that can be going on in our own lives. O it can’t happen to me. I’ll be able to fix anything….I don’t need anyone and especially God! And then your day comes! An accident, a divorce, cancer or something else completely from left field unexpected and unprecedented…..where do you turn?
God never wanted us to be self sufficient; we were not built for it! We were built to have a relationship of trust and dependence upon a loving God.
The writer of Psalms 34:8 (NIV) Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
You see it’s about taking refuge in Him and not in ourselves. It doesn’t mean that life will have no difficulties rather what it means is that in spite of the difficulties you will sense the blessing of God! Taste and see that the Lord is good …take refuge in God and experience His goodness!
I can tell you that it tastes very good!
(1) Globe & Mail, Nathan Vanderklippe, June 7, 2010 Pg A1
(2) Globe & Mail, Simon Houpt, June 7, 2010 Pg B3
Friday, July 02, 2010
Thursday, April 01, 2010
The Whole Truth
There seems to be no end to the controversy surrounding the Global Warming Debate. It’s either an “Inconvenient Truth” or it’s “The Great Global Warming Swindle”. Who’s telling the truth? My sense is that there is “some” truth to both sides of the debate. However, I also believe it’s all an exercise in futility! Why? Because you only have to observe the behaviour of people to see how little many of us care about our environment.
Why can I say that many don’t care? Just look around our communities; even a minimal glance along our roads tell a tale of blatant disregard. How many times have I been behind a vehicle driving down the highway when all of sudden out the window goes everything. It just all comes out and scatters everywhere! All the garbage flies out and onto the ground. Just visit any McDonald’s at 7:00am and you can witness the carnage from the night before. You can almost see the outline of the vehicle from the debris that came out of the windows….. all the cartons, wrapping, pop containers and leftovers for the sea gulls to gorge themselves.
There is no hope in solving any perceived global crisis of pollution if we cannot even control our disposal of personal pollution. If we don’t understand the destruction caused by throwing garbage out the window of our car; we will not understand the industrial garbage we pump into the air.
Here lies the truth; in that we human beings are not only a sinful people but we also have a sin nature. Our tendancy is to sin. The Apostle Paul puts it this way: I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. Romans 7:15 (NLT)
Our nature is not to do right but rather to do wrong. Is there then any hope in getting it right? But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1Corinthians 15:57 (NIV)
Only a change at the very centre core of our being can change our personal life and in turn the whole world!
Why can I say that many don’t care? Just look around our communities; even a minimal glance along our roads tell a tale of blatant disregard. How many times have I been behind a vehicle driving down the highway when all of sudden out the window goes everything. It just all comes out and scatters everywhere! All the garbage flies out and onto the ground. Just visit any McDonald’s at 7:00am and you can witness the carnage from the night before. You can almost see the outline of the vehicle from the debris that came out of the windows….. all the cartons, wrapping, pop containers and leftovers for the sea gulls to gorge themselves.
There is no hope in solving any perceived global crisis of pollution if we cannot even control our disposal of personal pollution. If we don’t understand the destruction caused by throwing garbage out the window of our car; we will not understand the industrial garbage we pump into the air.
Here lies the truth; in that we human beings are not only a sinful people but we also have a sin nature. Our tendancy is to sin. The Apostle Paul puts it this way: I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. Romans 7:15 (NLT)
Our nature is not to do right but rather to do wrong. Is there then any hope in getting it right? But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1Corinthians 15:57 (NIV)
Only a change at the very centre core of our being can change our personal life and in turn the whole world!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Loss of a Friend
I was privileged to preach at the funeral of a friend and fellow servant in ministry this week. It was probably the largest funeral I’ve ever been involved in to which my friend would have been impressed to know that so many cared! It was a great funeral!
However I’m finding myself very low and sad. My sense is, that I’m mourning the loss of someone that was very much a part of my life. He was part of the Search Committee that brought me to Rymal Road Church more than 15 years ago. Over that time he has supported and encouraged me through many difficult situations that Pastoral ministry often brings. Although we had our differences at times, once a decision was made, he would stand behind it. Over the years we had together in ministry there were only two times I had to approach him and reprove him on some point. Each time we were able to discuss and clear the issue respectfully with never a hint of any animosity. This always spoke volumes to me for this has not always been the case when I have had to reprove leaders in ministry (which is a difficult thing to do). My friend was a solid Christian, a deep thinker and wise in making leadership decisions. He always brought to the table a respect and clear thinking on the issues being considered. We will all miss his influence and support!
As I deal with my own loss; I’m also trying to comprehend the loss for the family and the congregation as a whole. Who can understand? But my faith and the scriptures tell me plainly that God is in control and He knows and sympathizes in our loss. Our hope and all of life is totally in his hands and we must trust Him! The scripture that comes to mind is “Be still and know that I am God”. Therefore I will be still and in the quietness of that stillness I hear God’s whisper….. “I am with you!”
Thank You Lord for allowing me to have such a good friend and supporter. I miss him!
However I’m finding myself very low and sad. My sense is, that I’m mourning the loss of someone that was very much a part of my life. He was part of the Search Committee that brought me to Rymal Road Church more than 15 years ago. Over that time he has supported and encouraged me through many difficult situations that Pastoral ministry often brings. Although we had our differences at times, once a decision was made, he would stand behind it. Over the years we had together in ministry there were only two times I had to approach him and reprove him on some point. Each time we were able to discuss and clear the issue respectfully with never a hint of any animosity. This always spoke volumes to me for this has not always been the case when I have had to reprove leaders in ministry (which is a difficult thing to do). My friend was a solid Christian, a deep thinker and wise in making leadership decisions. He always brought to the table a respect and clear thinking on the issues being considered. We will all miss his influence and support!
As I deal with my own loss; I’m also trying to comprehend the loss for the family and the congregation as a whole. Who can understand? But my faith and the scriptures tell me plainly that God is in control and He knows and sympathizes in our loss. Our hope and all of life is totally in his hands and we must trust Him! The scripture that comes to mind is “Be still and know that I am God”. Therefore I will be still and in the quietness of that stillness I hear God’s whisper….. “I am with you!”
Thank You Lord for allowing me to have such a good friend and supporter. I miss him!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Letting Go
Although life has much to do with acquiring; it has just as much to do with relinquishing. We acquire life and a family. As we grow and mature we acquire knowledge, understanding, other relationships and of course material possessions. But there also comes the time for relinquishing all these things as well as life itself. As I have watched people face death, you see how gradually everything is let go; even the last breath. But we usually do this unwillingly.
But the call of Jesus Christ is also a call asking us to relinquish. Before death forces us to relinquish our all unwillingly; Christ asks us to relinquish all to Him willingly. And if we do; death’s relinquishing power is gone, for we have already given our life away and paradoxally at deaths call receive eternal life. Here death has no power.
But make no mistake; the call of Christ to relinquish our all to Him is just as costly. Before any resurrection there has to be death. Christ calls us to accept our death to all our acquisitions so that He alone becomes all we have! Death to all our knowledge, understanding, hopes, dreams, relationships, possessions - we relinquish it all to receive Him!
As the Apostle Paul attests, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Galatians 2:20 (NIV) Christ living in me is the resurrected life. It begins in this life and carries us over into the life to come. “Christ lives in me” when we have come to that place that we relinquish all we have and all we are! We must let go of it all in order to gain all the more (that is Christ)! Amen.
But the call of Jesus Christ is also a call asking us to relinquish. Before death forces us to relinquish our all unwillingly; Christ asks us to relinquish all to Him willingly. And if we do; death’s relinquishing power is gone, for we have already given our life away and paradoxally at deaths call receive eternal life. Here death has no power.
But make no mistake; the call of Christ to relinquish our all to Him is just as costly. Before any resurrection there has to be death. Christ calls us to accept our death to all our acquisitions so that He alone becomes all we have! Death to all our knowledge, understanding, hopes, dreams, relationships, possessions - we relinquish it all to receive Him!
As the Apostle Paul attests, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Galatians 2:20 (NIV) Christ living in me is the resurrected life. It begins in this life and carries us over into the life to come. “Christ lives in me” when we have come to that place that we relinquish all we have and all we are! We must let go of it all in order to gain all the more (that is Christ)! Amen.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Rest for the Soul
Many of us are tired and exhausted from the hectic pace of life. With instant communications, vast internet data and our consumer appetite; we find our lives often running on empty. Physical exhaustion is the obvious sign; but there is also a more sinister symptom; exhaustion of the soul.
There can come upon us an inward exhaustion towards life itself. The struggle to be and become a person of worth, success and contribution. This is the battleground of the spirit world. Cosmic forces of good and bad battling over the soul. Most are not even aware of this battleground. Within our personhood we strive and seek often for that which is unknown. But God knows and he is calling to us to come unto Him. Jesus calls “Come to me….. and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV) To find rest is also to be at peace. In coming to Him, following His ways and learning from Him we will find a rest for the soul that brings peace within.
We labour in our own strength; in our own wisdom only to find ourselves burnt out at the end of the day. Jesus says … “come to me…take my yoke” - that is my ways and connect yourself to me. Here is rest for the soul. Being in a relationship to the Saviour we can be free of our own striving as we learn from Him….to trust Him and follow Him.
This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. Isaiah 30:15 (NIV)
Sadly the last line of this Old Testament text says it for many of us….we would have none of it!
There can come upon us an inward exhaustion towards life itself. The struggle to be and become a person of worth, success and contribution. This is the battleground of the spirit world. Cosmic forces of good and bad battling over the soul. Most are not even aware of this battleground. Within our personhood we strive and seek often for that which is unknown. But God knows and he is calling to us to come unto Him. Jesus calls “Come to me….. and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV) To find rest is also to be at peace. In coming to Him, following His ways and learning from Him we will find a rest for the soul that brings peace within.
We labour in our own strength; in our own wisdom only to find ourselves burnt out at the end of the day. Jesus says … “come to me…take my yoke” - that is my ways and connect yourself to me. Here is rest for the soul. Being in a relationship to the Saviour we can be free of our own striving as we learn from Him….to trust Him and follow Him.
This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. Isaiah 30:15 (NIV)
Sadly the last line of this Old Testament text says it for many of us….we would have none of it!
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Pull Up Your Socks!
When I was 18 years old, a neighbour friend and I decided to coach an under 10 years softball team. One of our pitchers was extremely fast and accurate for the age group. It helped out that he had several older brothers who helped him master the skill of an underhand wind up pitch.
We were in the midst of a difficult game and were far behind on the scoreboard. The problem was that little Dougy wasn’t pitching very well this night. At a low point when Dougy was having a hard time; Mom shouts out from the stands, “Dougy, pull up your socks!”
So Dougy stops pitching; bends over putting down his glove and proceeds to pull up each of his socks. The crowd lets out a howl of laughter and poor Dougy had no idea why they were laughing!
Communication is tricky business. Speaking to be understood is not simple. As with little Dougy, we can often hear words and terminology that we don’t always understand and it can cause us to follow through in inappropriate ways.
It doesn’t matter whether its in a friendship, marriage or any other relationship; communication is difficult even at the best of times. What I say and what you understand can be two very different things.
It reminds me how God has communicated to humanity through the prophets, the written word and eventually through the coming of His Son. Christ came to show us what God was like. When you see the Son; you see the Father. For it was by God's own decision that the Son has in himself the full nature of God. (Colossians 1:19 (TEV)) Christ went on to send us the Holy Spirit to be our helper and guide.
In all of this it seems to me that God has gone out of His way in order to communicate appropriately about Himself to us. Perhaps in all of our communications we too should “Pull Up Our Socks.”
We were in the midst of a difficult game and were far behind on the scoreboard. The problem was that little Dougy wasn’t pitching very well this night. At a low point when Dougy was having a hard time; Mom shouts out from the stands, “Dougy, pull up your socks!”
So Dougy stops pitching; bends over putting down his glove and proceeds to pull up each of his socks. The crowd lets out a howl of laughter and poor Dougy had no idea why they were laughing!
Communication is tricky business. Speaking to be understood is not simple. As with little Dougy, we can often hear words and terminology that we don’t always understand and it can cause us to follow through in inappropriate ways.
It doesn’t matter whether its in a friendship, marriage or any other relationship; communication is difficult even at the best of times. What I say and what you understand can be two very different things.
It reminds me how God has communicated to humanity through the prophets, the written word and eventually through the coming of His Son. Christ came to show us what God was like. When you see the Son; you see the Father. For it was by God's own decision that the Son has in himself the full nature of God. (Colossians 1:19 (TEV)) Christ went on to send us the Holy Spirit to be our helper and guide.
In all of this it seems to me that God has gone out of His way in order to communicate appropriately about Himself to us. Perhaps in all of our communications we too should “Pull Up Our Socks.”
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