Wednesday, May 10, 2017


To walk in the Spirit is a growth experience.

The early church leaders depended upon the Holy Spirit to lead and direct them. This can and should be the same experience for all mature Christians. Jesus had foretold that when He returned to heaven; He would send the Holy Spirit in order to guide us and help us to understand the present and future.

The normal Christian life is a life that is led by the Holy Spirit (see Romans 8:14 & Galatians 5:18).  He is to be as an inner compass, directing us in the way of Jesus!  He is the Spirit of truth and as such He becomes a reliable and trustworthy guide.

All of life is a journey.  In the Christian journey we are not left to our own.  We are given a helper and counsellor.  The Holy Spirit will lead us, show us and teach all that is needed for our journey.  In essence, the Christian is to “walk in the Spirit”.  Galatians 5:25 (NKJV) If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
How then do we walk in the Spirit?

1.  Be constantly yielded to the Holy Spirit.  Just as our cell phones need to be turned on in order to receive communication; we too need to be on so to speak, in order to receive the prompts from the Holy Spirit.  It may be something we are to say or it may be something we are to do.  Our minds need to be open to hear and we then must follow through obediently.

The Holy Spirit often communicates to our heart with a word of conviction or assurance.  When He’s moving us away from harm we often experience a heaviness, anxiety, apprehension or uneasiness in our spirits.  When He’s moving us towards blessing, we often experience a deep inner peace, an eagerness to what God will do or just delight.

2.  Follow the Spirit’s leading.  We are more likely to hear the Spirit if we are listening for Him.  We are more likely to see the Spirit’s direction if we are looking for it.  After we have heard or seen; we must believe and follow through by acting upon what we have received.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth.  He is our helper.  Trust Him and the more you do; the more you will.  It’s a growing relationship.

Read: John 16:5-15 & Acts 2:1-4