Thursday, November 17, 2016


God uses adversity to stretch and grow us for good purposes.

Spiritual maturity often makes the largest gains in one’s life through adversity. Yet many only see the hardships and difficulties that come to us as of no value or useless.

In the early 1900s, the city Enterprise, Alabama, was thriving, but its economy was almost completely dependent on cotton crops. In 1916 an infestation of boll weevils wiped out almost all its crops. Financially devastated, the farmers resorted to planting a new crop: the peanut. It turned out that peanuts were resistant to the boll weevil and four times as profitable as cotton. By diversifying and reinventing themselves, just two years later many farmers became wealthy and Enterprise became the largest producer of peanuts in the United States. Others who refused to change went bankrupt and lost their businesses.[1]

Insects had wiped out the livelihood for these cotton farmers.  It destroyed some of them, but others changed their crop and succeeded in a way that would never would have come about without the infestation.

In the springtime many gardeners will bring their seedling plants outside in nice weather in order to harden them up.  Starting the plants indoors provides a safe environment to grow the plants.  But by taking them outside for several hours each day leading up to the transplanting in the garden; prepares them for the reality of outdoor weather.  They are being hardened so that they will survive outdoors.

Adversity is one of the tools that God can use to shape our spiritual character.  It is the wind that blows in order to harden us; strengthening and shaping us for kingdom purposes.

Adversity is also used by God in order to teach us to be dependent on Him rather than ourselves.  Our natural inclination is to be self sufficient and self dependent.  But that is not what God desires from His people.  He is seeking those who will rely on Him and lean on Him for their strength, wisdom and life.  When adversity strikes; it reminds us and points us to our need of God.

Adversity will bring us to the end of our self.  We will have done all we can as we  journey every road we can possibly travel down.  It is when we come to the end of our rope; it is then that we are only able to hang on and ask God.  Often we’ll even ask for the strength to hang on!  It is then; when we come to the end of our own resources and abilities that God in essence says, “Now let me help you and show you the way.” For it is at times like this that our faith proves itself to me more valuable than gold!

Adversity is also used by God to conform us to be more like Jesus.  This is the believer’s foremost goal!  By allowing times of suffering and heartache, the Holy Spirit is able to develop the fruit of the spirit in us (see Galatians 5:22-23).  He uses the hardships of life to get our attention and reveal to us our strengths and weaknesses. Often He will also use these kinds of experiences in our lives in order for us to help others as they face challenging times.

1 Peter 1:6-7 (NLT) So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honour on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
Read: 2Corinthians 1:3-7; 1Peter 1:3-9
