Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Obey God and let go!

Exodus 19:5 (NKJV) Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.

Obeying God is a choice.  Each of our lives are bombarded with constant choices that we have to make.  Some choices are very menial ( what to wear today) and other choices are very moral (should I speak with profanity). By obeying God’s commands:

1. It Pleases Him.
It proves to God where we stand in our relationship with Him. If we love Him; we will obey His commands.

2. It Protects Us from Evil.
Constant temptations abound all around us. God’s commands are given to us to set a wall of protection around us.  God has our well being at heart.  Obedience keeps us within the walls of His protection.

3. It Reveals Our Faith.
God uses the path of obedience to get us to the place where our faith is tested and developed. We may verbally agree as to what God can do but until we step forward in obedience we have no faith.  Once we take the first step; He then reveals to us the next.

4.  It Ripens our relationship with God.
As we obey Him; we will grow and mature into knowing Him, understanding His ways and His great love for us.

Disobedience has serious repercussions.  It allows the accuser to bring upon us feelings of guilt, shame and a sense of worthlessness. The larger issue for us however is that disobedience muddles up and alienates us in our relationship with Christ.  When our relationship with the our Saviour is weakened in this way; we in turn become weak.  Our spiritual life begins to drain from us and Satan is right there to take advantage of our weakened state!  At this point it becomes easy to continually spiral into the depths of sin and the power of it over our lives!  Don’t let Satan have a foothold or he will turn it into a stronghold!

The way of obedience is the Christian life!  We do this by:

* Trusting that God will lead you in all things concerning life.
There is no one who knows you better than God.  Placing your hope and trust in Him for all things is our best option.  He will not lead us astray!

* Waiting on God to give us the answers.
When in doubt; wait.  If you do not have a clear direction then ask God to confirm it from His Word. If you are still unclear then walk away.  God’s plans for you will always align with His Word.

* Studying God’s Word.
To know God’s commands and His perspectives are discovered by taking the time to study what He has already told us in the Scriptures.  God’s will and that which is right and wrong is for us to learn from His revealed Word.

* Enduring Conflict.
We should not be surprised by the conflicts that surround us.  God rarely takes it away but rather He uses it to teach us a continual dependence upon Him.

* Leaving the Outcome in God’s Hands.
This is about letting go!  Many of us want desperately to be able to control our lives and the outcome of the situations we face.  Let us be obedient to God’s ways  even in the face of obstacles and opposition.  We must take control out of our hands and leave the results with Him.