Monday, January 23, 2017


Christians are to pray as long as it takes.

How long do you keep on praying when you don’t see an answer? 

Jesus knew that we can easily get discouraged about prayer.  So he told the story in Luke 18.  Quite a humorous story.  Jesus loved to use rascals as object lessons.  Here’s this tug of war between this powerful judge and this powerless widow.  The judge is hard-boiled, godless, unsympathetic, heartless, callous.  He couldn’t care less about this widow or anyone else.  Yet he has all the power.  The widow is powerless.  She has no clout, no leverage, no power.  In those days widows were at the bottom of the social ladder.  But she does have one thing.  Persistence.  She goes and begins to badger the judge saying, “I want justice.  I demand it right now.”  She really makes a nuisance of herself until finally the judge, exhausted, just gives in.  

There’s two kinds of stories Jesus told.  One is a parable of comparison: God is like this…  The other is a parable of contrast: God is not like this.

This is a parable of contrast.  God is not like this judge.  Jesus is saying, “If a heartless, ungodly judge will eventually give in to the request because it’s asked enough times, how much more will your Heavenly Father who loves you answer your prayers?” 

If that’s true, if God really wants to answer my prayers, how come my prayers aren’t being answered?  I’ve prayed for changes in my life and they haven’t taken place.  I’ve prayed for miracles and they haven’t happened yet.  It’s a legitimate question.

So Jesus told the story, Luke 18:1 (NIV) “He told His disciples a parable to show that they should always pray and not give up. 

Ephesians 6:18 (LIV) “Pray all the time.”  Romans 12:2 (GWT)“Pray continually.”  1 Thessalonians 5:17 (ICB)“Never stop praying.” 

Nowhere in the Bible does it say you can stop praying just because you get discouraged.  Nowhere in the Bible does it say you can just give up and quit because the answer hasn't happened on your timetable.  The Bible says, “Never stop praying… Keep on believing… Keep on asking.” 

Is there ever a time when I can stop praying for a particular issue?  Yes, there are two exceptions, two times when you can stop praying about a particular issue.

One, when God changes the situation, you can stop praying. In other words, He answers your request and the situation is changed.  If what you’ve been praying for happens, then obviously you can stop praying. 

Two, when God changes you, then you can stop praying.  Sometimes as God grows you and develops you,  you realize, “I don’t want to pray for that any more because that’s not what I really want any more.  I wanted that in that immature stage but now as I’ve matured, I don’t need that any more.  So I’m not praying for it.”  So God says it’s ok to stop praying.  God has not changed the situation but He’s changed you.

Somebody came to Daniel Boone the famous frontiersman one time and asked, “Have you ever gotten lost in the wilderness?’  He said, “No, I’ve never been lost.  I’ve been bewildered for weeks at a time but I’ve never been lost.”  When you’re bewildered you just keep on going. 

The point of the story is don’t be discouraged.  Don’t give up. Look up.  Don’t despair.  Turn to prayer. 

Isaiah 49:23c (TEV) “The Lord says,  no one who waits for my help will be disappointed."

Read:  Luke 18:1-8