Friday, December 23, 2016


Contentment is learned and found independent from our circumstances .

The Rock Band U2 had a hit song entitled, “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”.  The Rolling Stones had a song entitled, “I Can’t Find No Satisfaction”.  It’s also the title for many peoples lives.  Discontentment in life is a really big issue.  If you were to believe what the commercials tell you, you would believe that contentment was something that could be sprayed on, rolled, inhaled, eaten or driven. As if all of these products would give you lasting contentment. They don't.

What is the secret of a satisfying life?  Philippians 4:11-12 (NIV) …… I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation…….
What is contentment? It is not apathy, laziness, complacency.

Contentment is independent from circumstances. You do not base your happiness on the situation around you. Happiness comes from within. How do you get that kind of contentment and satisfaction in life?  Paul says contentment is learned. It's not something that's instant, in a one time experience. Life is a school of contentment and the problem is most people never learn and they die unfulfilled and unsatisfied and unhappy.

Contentment is learned when we avoid comparisons.  Comparing yourself to others always leads to discontent. v. 11 "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances" and that comes from not comparing yourself. If you want to learn to be content you have to avoid comparisons. There will always be people that make more money than you, who have greater opportunities than you have, who have fewer problems. So what? That has no bearing at all on your own personal happiness.

We learn contentment by adjusting to change.  Life is full of ups and downs -- emotionally, physically, mentally, financially. There's nothing certain in life except change. Change is certain.  How well do you handle change? How well do you handle when things are shaken up a little?

Do you get frightened? Moody? Angry? Uptight? Paul says that one of the secrets of learning to be content in life is the ability to adjust to all kinds of circumstances and change. Paul says you need to learn to adjust to it. Your happiness in life will be largely dependent upon your ability to adapt, adjust, be flexible. Change is going to happen whether you like it or not.  Philippians 4:12 (NIV) I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Paul says he's seen good times and bad times. What did experience teach Paul? He learned to be independent of circumstances.  That is the secret of a satisfying life. You don't get your joys or happiness out of things, people, possessions, pleasures, profits, popularity or prestige.   Paul says he's learned to be independent of circumstances.

We learn contentment as we draw on Christ’s power.  Instead of just depending on my own effort to make it through circumstances and my own energy, I must learn to draw on Christ's power.  v. 13 "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

You can handle it when the kids are tearing the place apart, make it through the stock market crash, when you have problems and you don't know where to go. I can handle everything, Paul says. I can cope. He had an external power source. He was depending, not on his own power, but God's power.

Last, we learn to be content by trusting God to meet our needs.  This is the secret of satisfaction in life.  Philippians 4:19 (NIV) And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Not some or most -- all.  When I buy an insurance policy I read through it to find out what is covered. When I know what's covered, I don't worry -- it's covered. The Bible is God's insurance policy. There are over 6000 promises in the Bible which you can claim. (see Matt 6:31ff)  Put God first and God will take care of your needs. Put Him at the center and everything else will be taken care of.

The real reason that people are unhappy, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled is because Jesus Christ is not the center of their lives. They are looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places. They run from this to that, looking for something that is going to satisfy them. From relationship to relationship, from job to job, from hobby to sports to recreation, fads, therapy, books, seminars -- and yes even from one church to another;  looking for the key. But God has laid it out very clearly. You were made with a God shaped vacuum in your life and nothing will fill that void except God!

Read: Ecclesiastes 9:3-8 & Philippians 4:10-13

Monday, December 12, 2016


Integrity is deciding to integrate my heart’s values into my daily actions.

Integrity comes from the word "integrate."  The feeling that you get when you know what you're doing is right, that's integrity.  The key word  is "deciding".  You don't slip into integrity.  Nobody ever said, "Oops, I fell into integrity."  It's something you have to decide on in life. 

It's important in THAT God placed a very high value on integrity.  Proverbs 28:6  "Better is the poor who walks in his integrity, than he who is crooked though he be rich."  God says integrity is a lot more valuable than all the stuff I think is valuable.

However, the problem many of us have with integrity is what is called the "the frustration gap".  That is the gap between my heart's values and my daily actions.  When they don’t match it causes us a frustration in our lives.

We are not alone in this struggle for the Apostle Paul points out about his own life in Romans 7:18-20 (NKJV) For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
How can we improve our integrity?  Here are four practical things that we can do:

1.  Speak Honestly.  Mark Twain said one time that speaking honestly is better in our lives, it takes a lot of stress out of our lives.  He said "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."  As you speak honestly let's do it in the way the Bible says to do it.  Eph. 4:15 "Speak the truth in a spirit of love".  

Some people speak the truth in a relationship in a way that destroys the relationship rather than building the relationship.  Some people don't tell the truth they launch the truth -- a guided missile into your life.  Sort of Clint Eastwood kind of truth tellers, they pull it out like a 44 Magnum and blow you away with it then they walk away feeling great about themselves and you're laying on the floor destroyed.  "I told the truth" they say, but not the truth in the spirit of love.

2.  Confess Regularly.  We do this when we admit that we are wrong.  When you're wrong admit it.  Admit it to the people you're in relationship with.  James talks about doing that.  James 5:16 "Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other."  Isn't telling our faults to God enough?  Do we have to ask for other's permission to be forgiven too? No, because God is the one who forgives us.  But in order to restore our relationship with them, we need to talk to them about what happened. 

This involves a principle in forgiveness that's called restitution.  Usually the first thing you think of is financial restitution.  If I've taken money or possessions from them and I recognize that I've been wrong, then I need to go back and not only ask for God's forgiveness but I also need to give back what was taken.  You don't get to keep the money. Relational restitutions works the same way.  You need to do your best at giving back to the person what you have taken.  If you were harsh; you need to give them kindness.  If it was anger; you need to return love.  You can only do this through time and conversation.

3.  Live Consistently.    The opposite of consistency is hypocrisy.  You may be able to hide hypocrisy at work or church but you can't hide it at home where people know you.  Living consistently is vital in our public image as compared to our private image.  How important really is your relationship with those people in your private life?  Who do you really want to be admired by at the end of life?  Our goals should be to be admired the most by those who are closest to us -  who know us best.

Secondly, consistency is vital in discipline and values. Have you ever had dealings with a yo-yo.... type of person?  Today they say this and tomorrow they say something completely different.  A lot of politicians fall into this category.  Their values are determined by the weather or the latest Gallop poll.  They are inconsistent with what they believe.  To either live or work with someone who changes their mind like the wind.... becomes an effort in futility! In parenting, to be consistent is a difficult thing.  But if you are, then your children will have stability.  A parent or a boss who behaves inconsistently only creates chaos in the lives of others!

Thirdly, consistency is vital between our words and actions.  Words are not what's important.  Words are not what's going to impact people.  Our actions and the way we behave is what changes  people's lives.  More is caught than it is taught!

I Samuel 16:7 "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 

That's what those who are closest to us see too.  Our heart, who we really are.  That's what impacts them and influences them.

So how is your life exemplifying integrity?

Read: Psalm 19:7-14  &  Romans 7:14-20

Wednesday, December 07, 2016


It’s God’s responsibility to provide for those who trust Him.

The story of Job highlights the problem we have with understanding an all-powerful God that allows good people to suffer.  It’s a story about a man who trusts God even when he does not understand what God is doing.

This brings us to a key question for today: do you believe that God is able to meet all of your needs even in the midst of difficult times?  It’s easy to say yes until the difficult and sorrowful moments hit us!  It is in these struggling times that we may say, “yes I know God is able to meet my needs but will He?”  It is in just these kind of struggling moments that God is allowing us the opportunity to reveal our faith in Him.

Matthew 6:33 (NKJV) Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Jesus is telling His followers that by first focusing on God and His kingdom; all that we need will be met.  It is easy for us to focus on material blessings, emotional and feel good experiences and bypass that which is most important.

To “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” means that when we by faith obey and trust Him; God in turn is obligated to meet our needs.  As we live our lives focused towards a relationship with Him; He takes on the responsibility of living through us and thereby cares for us through all the problems, challenges and circumstances we face.

But in this relationship as we allow our life to be indwelt by His life; He also takes over the driver’s seat.  In that role He also determines the direction and outcome of our lives.  It becomes His will, His plans, His timing and not ours!  As we bring our needs to Him in prayer we are declaring our faith to trust Him and His ability to provide.

So often I see in the life of Christians as they face challenges and needs; their response rather than turning to God is to do everything in their power to find a way out!  In this way they miss out from discovering what God wanted them to learn!

When Christians don’t get what they want and when they want it, it is also easy to slip into the blame game.  They may blame others or even God.  Then there are those who demand that God provide for them out of their own works. It’s an attitude which says,  “We did this for you God; so now we want you to do this for us.”  This is what I call the Genie in the Bible syndrome.  If we just rub the book the right way, God should give us what we want!

The Christian life should be one in which we have such a complete trust in God as our provider even when it looks like He’s not.  Even when we do not understand our situation or God’s timing.

Consider Moses after he had led the Israelites out of Egypt.  They faced the Red Sea and in hot pursuit was Pharaoh’s army.  The people cried out to Moses complaining that it would have better for them to remain slaves in Egypt than to come out and perish under these circumstances.  The people could not see it, but God had something else in mind.  And “Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.” Exodus 14:13 (NKJV)

God is to be our source for everything we need. As the Apostle Peter tells us,  “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 (NKJV)  Timing is always in God’s hands.  His timing will always be perfect.  As we place our trust in Him, He will take care of us!
Read: Job 42:7-17

Friday, December 02, 2016


Making wise decisions for direction in life requires us to consult with God.

Life is constantly filled with choices!  As Christians we should be depending on God and seeking our directives from Him.  God always desires what is best for us and wants us to listen to Him and follow His directions.  Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV) For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
But how can we know when we are hearing the voice of God?  There are other voices clamouring to get our attentions as well.  Are we hearing God, Self or Satan?  Our own self voice screams loudly within.  Satan’s voice is ever so deceptive.  Jesus said, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27 (NKJV)
So how can we hear God’s voice?  First and foremost God gives us direction through His Word as recorded in the Bible.  2 Timothy 3:16 (CEV) Everything in the Scriptures is God's Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live. God’s word shows us how to live!  As we read it ; God will impress a particular verse upon us.  It may be that a larger biblical account or story will give us the direction we need.  However this is not the only way that God gives us direction.  His toolbox is filled with a variety of tools that He can use to get our attention and to help us hear Him.
Here are a few other tools that God uses to get our attention:
1.  A word from others.  If several people begin to tell you the same thing; take it to the Lord and ask Him if He’s trying to speak to you through them.  Often trusted Christian friends will confirm what has been on your mind.
2.  Disappointment.  This is another way that God uses to get our attention.  When our plans don’t work out to our liking; ask God if you have been charting your own course?  So often we make decisions and then later ask God to bless it and we don’t understand why it’s not working out.  It may however just be that His answer is “no” and He has something else in store for us.
3.  A restless spirit.  There may be times when we become restless and agitated.  We are unable to put our finger on what is going on.  This is a good time to take it to the Lord in prayer and ask the Lord if He’s trying to tell you something. (see Esther 6:1ff)
4.  Money problems.  My experience has shown me that for many Christians, money is the last thing they give over to the Lord’s control!  In the time of the Judges it is said that everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Judges 17:6 (NKJV)  In managing their lives and especially their money; many still do what they see as right in their own eyes and neglect God’s teachings.  It is not surprising then that God at times will get our attention through money problems.
Having money problems gets our attention quite quickly!  We then need to come to the Lord and ask Him how we can be better stewards of His resources.  It doesn’t mean that our problems will just disappear; but it does mean that we have begun to give Him control of this area in our lives.  God is not just our Saviour but He also wants to be our Lord.
God knows exactly where you are in your journey with Him and He also knows how to get your attention in order to give you direction.  Ask Him to help you hear and discern when He’s talking to you!
Jeremiah 29:12-13 (NKJV) Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

I have come to understand that big decisions require much prayer and little decisions require some prayer.  But in all decisions pray and ask God for direction.

Read: John 10:1-5; 22-30