Monday, March 31, 2014

Have You Lost the Joy of Your Religion?

Do you find it dry, boring or even joyless?

There’s a reason for those feelings because when you treat your faith like a religion; your approach is that of doing.  Doing the rules and doing the right thing.  It’s good to follow the rules and what’s right.  But there’s no joy in it; if that’s all there is.

God speaking through the prophet Isaiah said that “ I will pour water on him who is thirsty”.

Water refreshes, fill us and gives us life.

Religion is all about doing.  True faith is about a relationship.

That’s what Jesus wants with us; a relationship.  Do you yearn for real joy in your faith?

Then may this prayer be your prayer: Dear Jesus, pour the water of heave down on me; draw me close to you and fill me with your joy.  Amen.

What Time Is It?

Hey what time is it?

It’s later than you think!

In the time of this introduction each of us have moved 5 seconds closer to the next life.  Now, that can be a scary thought!

We’re all going to move from this life to the next.  The question is where in the next life will you go?

Well, that’s determined in this life.  Whoa, that’s another scary thought.

That’s why it’s so important not to waste the time you have.  We need to focus on what’s important.

That’s where Jesus helps us, he said that no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. (Jn 3:3)

In other words; you can’t arrive without seeing and you can only see it with a new birth.  We must be born into a new life!  A spirit life in which God reigns.  We then will have the sight to see the way.

Hey, what time is it?

So Many Voices!

Do you feel the tension?

There are so many voices (spirits) to follow in the world.

With mass global communication and social media, the spirit voices are many!

Which should we listen too?  Which are right?

The Psalmist prayed “renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psm 51:10)

If a right spirit is needed; there must be a wrong spirit?

Only god can give us the right spirit; the Holy Spirit to show us the way to that which is right.

That’s my prayer; may it be yours too!

Check out more by reading 1John 4:1-6