Monday, July 15, 2013

Just For You

It will be almost 30 years ago that I was lying in the middle of our living room floor just sobbing. There was no furniture, appliances or any of our stuff in the house. It had only been a few months earlier when Brenda and I came home from the hospital with our little Michelle. Matthew was 2 years old and didn’t quite know what to make of this stranger who was invading his space. Our home was vibrant and full of life. Now just 2 months later the house is empty and I’m crying out to God "did I make a mistake?"

Several months earlier, together Brenda and I had responded to God’s calling us to full time ministry. We sensed a desire to be pastors. As part of that call, God would have to help us sell our house. It was 1983 and the economy and mortgage rates were very volatile with the real-estate market reacting accordingly. But our house sold. So the doors were continuing to open. I gave notice at Bell Canada and secured a leave of absence. We had several garage sales and sold many of the larger items through newspaper advertising. We moved out and were staying with friends for a couple of nights before a vacation at a camp near Owen Sound. Brenda and I were then coming back to clean the house. But Brenda was not with me. She was in the hospital! Through the night she had severe pain and the doctor came to the house and had me take her right to the hospital. The medical staff was puzzled and could not determine the problem. My wife is hospitalized and I’m caring for a new born and 2 year old with no home of our own. God, did I make a mistake? Are you shutting the door now? There I lay on the living room floor on closing day sobbing.

At the time I was in quite an emotional roller coaster. But now I can look back and see it all fitting together and God’s hand of blessing everywhere. A doctor who was the same doctor that delivered me at my birth by emergency c-section, strongly suspected what Brenda’s problem was and proceeded by removing her appendix. We were able to pick up our vacation a couple of days late but non the less we were moving on. Friends and family rallied to support and help us during our trauma. Overall as I consider that time, it was just a bump in the road! One of may yet to come. It taught me to trust God and come what may, the sun will rise tomorrow!

Making big life decisions such as education, marriage, careers, friends, associations and yes even faith; are beyond our scope. Who understands? Who can see where it will lead? Who can predict the outcome? We certainly cannot answer any of these questions. But I believe that in the end, it will still all work out. The Bible says in Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

As we reflect on many decisions of the past; we may feel that we erred and carry regret. But my belief and the Bible confirms that it will all work out for our good in the end. If we are turned toward God and love Him; He will not turn us away. He is a loving Father and He will help us. Romans 8:28 is a promise to God’s people, not that everything that comes your way in life will be good but rather that everything will work out for good. Notice the difference. I know it’s hard to believe when you face hardships, illness or some other catastrophe. But we will not grow strong and mature when every thing that life throws at us is a breeze and sunshine. It’s through enduring the storms of life that we change and become strong.

Perhaps you do have regrets. If you could, you would go back and do it differently. But let me say this; you do not know what the future holds. But the one who holds the future knows and He knows you. The plans that are in store for you may surprise you in how your past experiences and decisions (good or bad) all fit together. Let go. Live your life. Move forward and make the best of what you have and make the best decisions you can at the time.

This is just for YOU!


Monday, July 08, 2013

Call Me Opa!

I’m waiting for my fifth grandchild to be born any day now! The four girls that I already have are each special and unique. It’s amazing to watch the circle of life happening in your own family. Just like the other day, or so it seems, that I was in the delivery room holding my first child. Now I see him holding his own. I also see the burden of responsibility weighing down.  I remember it well myself. The miracle of a new life that I now have responsibility for caring and raising. Yes, my dear wife was a great help and carried much of the load but underneath I felt a new weight in my life. But it was a good weight. It became a wonderful weight. As the years rolled along, there were challenging times when dealing with all the issues of child rearing. Looking back now I can see that they were wonderful years that stretched me and changed me.

I found a text that has come to a new meaning for me now. I know that I’ve read it before but scripture can mean different things to people at different times in their lives. Here is the text: Proverbs 17:6 (NLT) Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children. To see the next generation is a sense of accomplishment that life goes on. I am a part of my parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc….. A part of them has been passed on to me and through me to the generations to follow. That is just awesome to think about! The Psalmist said that Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him (Psalms 127:3 (NLT)). Life is a gift! I thank my God for the gift of my children and now also my children’s children! You can call me Opa.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013


One of the top news stories early in 2007  in Ontario was the shortage of gasoline. It’s difficult to understand how an oil rich country like Canada could have a fuel shortage. Media reports placed the blame on an oil refinery fire at Naticoke and another in Sarnia. The Canadian National Rail strike had also impacted the situation. Combined, this had caused a supply shortage in production. In the Globe and Mail, Anthony Reinhart reported how oil companies, as most other businesses, keep inventories low. In today’s economy it’s all about just-in-time deliveries. If a business keeps large inventories; it costs more money and that is the crux of the matter! The reality as I see it is that it’s not about service and it’s not about taking care of the customer; it’s about money. The Conference Board of Canada reports profits in the oil extraction industry grew overall by 26.4 per cent in 2006 over the previous year, reaching a record $15-billion.[1] Notice that it is billions in profit; not millions!

With the supply shortage, gas pump prices began to skyrocket. Again, how can this be justified? It hadn’t cost them any more to process and deliver than it did before the shortage. It’s all about supply and demand we are told, which in essence means we’ll pay as much as they think we’ll pay before we stop buying.

All of this leads me to Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NIV) “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” Nothing “new under the sun” is an understatement. This type of behaviour has always been with us and all ways will. It doesn’t justify it but we should not be surprised by it. For you see, we don’t have to look far to see that even within the deep crevices of our own life it is there. Our competitive, getting one up on another attitude can easily come to the surface. When the opportunity arises, the temptation is right there as well; the temptation to take advantage. It’s not just the oil companies, banks, insurance companies and such that do this; it’s the people behind these businesses or institutions that do it. People just like us.

However God calls his people to a higher standard. The temptation is still there but the call to live differently is there as well! The writer of Psalms 15:1-3 (NLT) says it well, “Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? 2 Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. 3 Those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbours or speak evil of their friends.” What could easily be added is …. “and those who do not take advantage of others.”

There is a wonderful and meaningful quote that I would like to leave with you by Thomas a Kempis, in the Imitation of Christ (German mystic & religious author (1380 - 1471)). He says, “Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.”

I appreciate the opportunity to speak my mind; and I should do that! But at the same time, I’m reminded of my own shortages and need of a Saviour so that my life may be filled to the full!  Amen!

[1] Posted AT 11:39 AM EST ON 21/02/07